Phrasal verb: Work out
Uno de los phrasal verbs que más llevo usando estos meses para todos sus significados : Work out.
Meaning 1 : hacer ejercicio. I work out every day before my lessons.
Y de ahí, el nombre “workout”. I’ve just finished my workout, I need a shower.
Meaning 2: resolver, solucionar. Things will work themselves out. Ya lo decían The Beatles, “we can work it out" (podéis escuchar la canción al final del post).
Meaning 3: calcular, resolver un problema matemático. I finally worked out my income taxes, and now I have to send the government a check.
Meaning 4: idear, urdir, un plan. Let’s work out a plan for a better 2021.
Meaning 5: salir (de salir bien o mal). How did it work out? // It worked out really well // It didn’t work out the way we expected.